2 min readJan 10, 2021

Looking back on 2020 and going into 2021.

I know 2020 was a tough year for a lot of people. However, it was also a good year for many and I was fortunate to be one of them. I even felt guilt about it. But as we are about to turn the page and head into 2021, I wanted to share some of the good I experienced.

It is scientifically proven that reading good news lifts our spirits. As I share my highlights, I hope they lifts yours.

  1. Be home and stay home;
  2. I got to stay in the same place for more than 48 hours at a time instead of traveling every other week. This allowed me not only to reconnect with myself and my health, but to my home life instead of a suitcase, and get to integrate my recent co-habitation with my man.

2. More time; (my favorite)

All of a sudden, I had time to take TIME; time to meditate when I wake up instead of running to catch an early flight. Time to cook with my man at the end of our work day and not feel rushed. Time to go for nature walks during my lunch break. Time to call and connect with my friends and family on a regular basis.

3. Empathy;

I developed more empathy and patience towards my friends, family, and just the human being in general. Covid slapped us in the face in more ways than one, testing us like we never imagined. We all needed the extra support in different ways than our own.

4. Local Travel;

Since we couldn’t travel globally, we experienced and uncovered our own backyard. We got to discover some of the great jewels our country has to offer. I couldn’t believe what we had in our own backyard!! Why do we always take for granted what we have?

5. Reading and Learning;

I took an online course to help me improve my business knowledge and abilities. I finally read books I had on my “to read” list for the last 5 years.

6. Raise Your Love Signal;

I was able to put to birth my passion project. This would have never taken any form of life had Covid not happened in 2020. With the crazy lifestyle I had traveling, I just couldn’t even think of creating it!

I am thankful for what 2020 has brought to me. I walk into 2021 with peace of mind and excitement for the unknown.

Tell me, did 2020 bring you any great experience through the hardship?


Love Educator & Connection Coach. Teaching women how to raise @raiselovesignal.