My Story

3 min readNov 27, 2020


I had it all! I was a strong, independent woman with a successful career, a lifestyle of travel and fun, financial ease, great friends, and a natural Joie de Vivre outlook on life.

But I was missing something. I was missing a life partner. Someone with whom I could share this magical life. I had been a single lady for over 15 years, in and out of meaningless relationships, never able to keep a long-term commitment with men and constantly and consistently attracting men who were not emotionally available.

I kept hearing comments like “How can such an amazing girl like you still be single?” so often, it got to a point that I would get irritated every time I would hear those words.

I started to question myself. “What is wrong with me?” or “Am I being too demanding?” or “Am I not “loveable” enough?” and finally, “Will I be alone for the rest of my life?” This self-doubt slowly inserted itself in my head without me even realizing it causing me to question my self-worth.

And that is how my introduction to self-development and personal growth started. I became addicted to researching everything there was out there about relationships, male-female connections, human behavior, and everything in between. I embarked on a spiritual journey as I was determined to find and attract my life partner, but I knew it meant I needed to do the work. I wanted to get to the root of why I had the patterns I had.

I was very lucky on my journey; I had numerous guides and angels helping me along the way, giving me the right advice, tilting me towards the right direction with the proper books, self-help conferences, healers, life coaches, Vipassana meditation practice, Ayahuasca ceremonies, Tantra workshops, and many retreats. Whatever was out there on the subject, I explored, and I put it into practice. I learned so much, especially about myself.

Over the past 15 years, I accumulated a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. I concluded that it wasn’t only about finding love, but rather it was more about learning how to love myself first.

And it paid off.

I was finally able to attract my life partner!

He is everything I hoped he would be. Not only have I been gifted with a man that embraces who I am 100%, but he also teaches me more about myself every day.

I’m now equipped with numerous love connection skills, enabling me to maintain and grow our relationship in a healthy way without forgetting who I am along the way.

Now it is time for me to pay it forward. I want to be YOUR angel. Your guide. I feel that I need to share with all the love seekers out there what I have been so lucky to learn and receive.

Everyone deserves love! I am making it my mission to teach people the right Love Connection skills to not only attract the right partner, but to also be able to be in a fun, joyful, long-lasting relationship, whether that means with yourself and/or your partner.

Let me Raise your Love Signal.

Chantal Landreville





Love Educator & Connection Coach. Teaching women how to raise @raiselovesignal.