My Why on Creating “Raise Your Love Signal”

2 min readDec 3, 2020


Everyone needs Love!

There is not a single human being on the face of this earth that doesn’t need it, or deserve it. It doesn’t matter from which part of the planet you come from, what religion, what culture or color. The need is the same for all; The desire to love someone and, the desire to be loved. This emotion is universal.

I spent most of my life chasing love, and wanting to be loved! I continuously experienced deception, rejection and questioned myself: “What is wrong with me? Am I not loveable? Why is it so difficult to meet the right person?”

Which also got me questioning: What is Love anyway?

As I started reflecting on it, I realized I couldn’t really answer that question. And if I couldn’t, considering all the work I had done on the subject, could the average person even have a clue?

Throughout my journey of failed relationships and my quest to learn everything I could on the subject, I finally understood; love is not just about others, love starts with you first. How can you love others or receive love, if you don’t even know how love yourself?

I kept thinking, “how can something so important to humankind, not be part of our education system?”

If we had a form of “Love Education” that was taught to us from a young age, wouldn’t people grow into being better parents, better partners and even better friends?

There has never been a better time in the world to have access to information and resources, but sadly, it seems like the subject has been overlooked. The human connection seems like a lost art. There is a “disconnect”. I believe every human being deserves to know, and learn about love in a healthy way early on.

Since my journey led me to explore the subject for more than two decades, I have accumulated knowledge of information and developed a method that will help women avoid the 20 years it took me to understand it!!

I am making it my mission to teach people the right Love Connection skills to not only attract the right partner, but also be able to be in a fun, joyful, long-lasting relationship, whether that means with yourself and/or your partner. There is no joy in keeping it to myself.

Mudita = is the principle of taking sympathetic or unselfish joy in the good fortune of others.




Love Educator & Connection Coach. Teaching women how to raise @raiselovesignal.